$930MLifetime Volume
$10MAvg Daily Volume
60kLifetime Users
3kAvg Daily Users
2MLifetime Trades
13kAvg Daily Trades
300Daily New Users

Trade Crypto
the Banana Way

Welcome to Banana Gun, YOUR trading bot available on Telegram and Webapp. Snipe upcoming launches or safely trade tokens that are already live. We aspire to be your go-to platform for trading on the Ethereum network and soon on other chains.

App Store
Coming Soon
Webapp preview


Your smart ally in the world of trading: Boost your gains with Banana Gun Telegram Bot. Trade faster, snipe earlier and track live profits.

Coming Soon


Our revolutionary technology is now available on the Webapp. Enjoy the same features you have on Telegram and more! Manage your portfolio, set up watchlists, and customize your interface.


Token holders can claim a share of revenue through this dashboard. Additionally, you can create a referral link and claim your referral rewards.


Auto Sniping

Sniping made easy. Provide a contract address and Investment details, we will handle the rest. Our automated system handles Tax calculations, maxTx, methodID, first safe block detection. You don't have to have extensive solidity knowledge to successfully snipe.

Limit Orders

Automate your trading with ease. Set up multiple take profit levels, stop loss or trailing stop loss levels seamlessly. Automate dip buying at the market cap / price you would like, with state of the art precision.


Let others do the heavy lifting. Copytrade a profitable trader, or multiple traders simultaneously, while enjoying the same safety features as you would whe trading with Banana Gun.

Fast & Secure swaps

All our swaps are MEV-resistant, safeguarding against potential sandwich attacks or frontruns. Paired with blazing-fast execution, our safe swaps ensure a better buy-in price for you.

Anti rug & Reorg protection

Our top-performing anti-rug system ensures safer trading with an 85% success rate, providing maximum security. Reorg protection is in place in case of a block fork.

Scam & Honeypot protection

Our market-leading built-in simulations ensure protection against tokens that are scams from the start. If Banana Simulator cannot simulate a successful sell, your transaction will not go through. All handled seamlessly by the bot.


For Degens, by Degens.

We are a team of passionate traders who grew up trading memecoins across multiple chains. Recognizing the gaps in the market, we took action. Banana Gun swiftly gained popularity as the fastest, most reliable sniping tool. Now, we're shedding that image and evolving into a full-fledged trading platform across various chains. We eagerly anticipate sharing this exciting journey with our beloved community.

Extraordinary Achievements

The development of Banana Gun commenced in early 2023, with the public beta opening in June. We take immense pride in our achievements and would like to highlight some of our most significant milestones.


Banana Gun bot deployed on Base

Banana Gun bot deployed on Base

$2 billion lifetime volume

$2 billion lifetime volume

100,000 lifetime users!

100,000 lifetime users!

Banana Gun expansion to Blast

Banana Gun expansion to Blast

Travala partnership

Travala partnership

Webapp closed beta start

Webapp closed beta start

General bot improvements

General bot improvements

Solana on Banana Gun

Solana on Banana Gun

Banana Gun vision

Banana Gun vision

Limit orders v2

Limit orders v2



Partnership EmpyrealSDK

Partnership EmpyrealSDK



Mempool integration

Mempool integration

Banana deployer channel

Banana deployer channel

$500M lifetime volume

$500M lifetime volume

Banana burn & supply tracker

Banana burn & supply tracker

Banana credit system

Banana credit system

1,000,000 Trades

1,000,000 Trades

Limit orders

Limit orders

Banana bonus

Banana bonus

TG bot UI & UX revamp

TG bot UI & UX revamp

Banana revenue share

Banana revenue share

$BANANA live

$BANANA live

Closed beta opening

Closed beta opening


We're continually working on innovations to enhance the trading experience and empower users with a competitive edge. Instead of a traditional roadmap with deadlines, we present our plans through a 'now/next/later' approach.


Web dApp beta


Trade overview

Solana reborn


Dextools integration



Web dApp public


Multi platform

Wallet tracker

Trade history

Banana Academy


We would love to hear your ideas

We owe our success to our incredible community. Building a project with community involvement is what makes web3 products truly extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a feature, please fill out the form below; we would love to hear your ideas!

Fill out Form





$BANANA will gradually gain more of the TG bot market share, and here's why:

They have a user-centric USP that solves 95% of the problems of most degens

Also, their group bribing approach is unmatched. Not even Maestro can compete

$BANANA to 3 digits in 2024


crypto - popseye (papovic) 🛸 🏠 🍄


This week, $BANANA has overtaken Maestro as the most used bot. There is no competitor left, it's simply the best bot for buying/selling/sniping/limit orders.

Users/volume/fees consistently growing weekly.

Glad to see $UNIBOT paid some shillers to artifically pump the token so… Read more

Tried buying a coin for 4 ETH on $Banana @BananaGunBot and got re-org'd would have lost 50% to a mev on any other bot...

Banana stopped the transaction and saved me




For the first time ever, $BANANA has flipped #Maestro in bot volume market share

Looks like it's going for >50%

All these shills telling you to use @ShurikenTrade because it's the smoothest best bot lol - just so they and you can get tokens when you use it...

Meanwhile Banana just max performing as usual.

A year ago first buyer would have been a contract botter making 400K + ... now it… Read more

Banana @BananaGunBot $BANANA is winning 92.41% of all bundles.

If you are competing in early blocks and not using Banana, you are simply disadvantaging yourself for no reason.





People may laugh at the $BANANA investment..

But it is a product that is actually being used daily by a lot of users.. unlike most popular protocols

It is actually generating real revenue from trading fees.. unlike other protocols

The fees generated in revenue are then shared… Read more